Monday, June 22, 2020


                                                          June 22, 2020


Hi Mama. How are you up there? I hope you are happy wherever you are right now. I may never see you again, but I know you are guiding and looking at me from up above. It’s been 4 years since you left us and return home to God. My life will never be the same again since you’ve been gone. I’ve lost my right wing; how will I ever fly again? 😔

Today is your natal day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAMA! How I wish I can greet you with hug and kisses on your birthday. All I can do now is to whisper my greetings and pray for you. I wanted to buy you cake and cook for you to celebrate your birthday, but its too late now since you can’t blow your birthday cake candle and you can’t eat the food that I will prepare for you. Sorry if I can’t even pay a visit to your grave because of what is happening right now. I’ll make it up to you when everything is back to normal.

I miss you so much Mama. Your voice, your smile, your laughter, your sweetness, your cooking, your nagging… everything about you, I miss you so badly. I hope one day I can see you again. I have a lot of things to say that I couldn’t say to you when you’re still here. I miss you everyday and I can’t help but just cry in the corner because I can’t do anything to see you again. I miss hugging and kissing you.

Thank you so much for your unconditional love. Thank you for taking care of us and for molding us to become who we are today. Thank you will never be enough. You’ve done everything you can for us. Your sacrifices and love are well appreciated. Thank you for everything, Mama. I will forever be thankful to you. I am grateful that God has given you to be our Mom.

I love you to the heaven and back. God knows how much I love you. You are the best Mom! No one can replace you in my heart. I will treasure your memories forever. No matter how much I say I love you, I always love you more than that.

Sending love and prayer, hugs and kisses to you Mama. Happy Birthday! Mahal na Mahal kita Ma ❤️.  Sana kahit sa panaginip lang makita kita. Mingaw na gud ak sa imo ura ura Ma. 😭

Your forever Baby Memen

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

LET GO! and MOVE ON ...

Holding on to someone who hurts you is like torturing and prolonging your agony. Let go and be healed. Moving on is not so easy as you think it is. You have to go through a lot of pain and hatred to let go of the love that you used to have. You have to feel the most painful heartbreak so your heart can love even more. When the right one comes along, you are stronger, and you’ll understand the true meaning of love. Love is not bed of roses at all. In loving, you will learn to accept, forgive, and let go.

I have been into a lot of heartbreaks, but my heart didn’t stop loving. Time heals your wounds. I always pray for the right one to come along my way and hope to meet him someday. Trust that God will put the right people in your life at the right time and for the right reasons.

Someone told me “Let that old love put to rest and be awaken when its time. Do not wait for that old flame to return to you however let your heart be opened to accept new people in your life. Try to let go and continue living and you’ll see that old wound would heal and no longer hurt. Do not wait for that old love to come back. Let go and live. Do not hold back. Walk forward and smile those tears away.”

Now, I understand what she meant. Thank you!

Never give up. Great things take time. Find that someone who will never stop choosing you. You are loved. You are worth the wait. You are perfect. You are worthy.


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Right Here Waiting ..

I love you. why? I don't know why until now I still love you. It's been 9 years but the feeling doesn't change as time goes by. Is it for real that i still love you or is it just the thought that i still love you?

My bestfriend who is  your cousin, introduced you to me. We started as textmates and end up as lovers.  I haven't meet you in person by that time but I already fall for you. I have loved you not for what you are but for who you are. You made me feel that I am being loved by you. You're so sweet, caring and thoughful which made me love you even more everyday. We're on the phone talking to each other everyday for like an hour (partida wala pang unli noon). I still remember the date when we're officially in a relationship. June 26, 2008.

Everytime I think of you, it makes me smile for no reason. When I'm next to you, I can feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart beats so fast. Feels like I'm safe when I'm with you. Talking to you on the phone for an hour even if I'm busy, it doesn't matter as long as it's you whom I'm talking to. You make me laugh out loud with your jokes and "banat". I am who I am whenever I'm with you.

Maybe the reason why the relationship that I had didn't worked because I still love you. It's you, it's always been you whom I'm looking for.

I don't know what happened why we broke up. All I know is, it was my fault. It's too late for me to realize how much I love you. Until now, I'm still blaming myself to why there was no longer an US. Yes, we still have communications. Call and text when we have spare time. I still remember those conversations that we had. Sending greetings on special days. Saying I Love You to each other. I can feel that you still care and love me. But I don't know what's the real status between us. Lately, I haven't receive any message from you. We haven't talk for awhile. I miss you so much ;(

Should I let go and move on or should I wait for you and love you from a far?? I don't know when is the time to give up on us.

I know we're no longer together but I still hope and pray that someday you'll be back. I'm just here waiting.. waiting for you to come back and be mine again. You will always be a special person that has a special place in my heart. I love you, God knows how much! I thank God for giving me YOU.

Tanga na kung tanga pero mahal pa rin kita. mahal na mahal kita!



                                                          June 22, 2020 DEAR MAMA … Hi Mama. How are you up there? I hope you are happy wher...